One big question we have heard is, Why are we doing this? Let me first say why we are NOT doing this... WE have NO interest in starting another Church of God group. There are plenty of those. WE have No interest in arguing Church of God Restoration doctrine or picking apart the book of Revelation. We will however publish articles that will expose their false doctrinal teachings. WE are NOT trying to convince anyone that we have a "special relationship" with God and the Holy Spirit. All of God's children hear His voice and He is no respecter of persons. The main reason we are doing this is to expose the hidden abuses and true beliefs of the Church of God Restoration. We are angry. We are angry because there are people today who are living in deep fear of the Church of God Restoration ministry. They are afraid to leave the group because they have been told that terrible things await them outside of the Church of God Restoration. There are children who are being treated harshly and lied to in the name of God. There are girls who have been molested by an ex-minister/deacon who has not been reported to the authorities for his wicked, wicked crimes, but has been allowed to continue his predatory behaviour, with only the oversight of the Church of God Restoration Ministry. There are families tonight who were once loving and who cherished each other, who have been torn apart and destroyed, all in the name of a "pure gospel". There are children who will never know the loving arms of their father or mother, and parents who will never hold their sweet babies in their arms, all because of a terrible, twisted interpretation of the teaching that God heals the sick. I'm really not too bothered by their holiness doctrine, though I don't believe it anymore. I'm not bothered by their dress standard, nor by their separation from the world. Whether they follow Pelagius or Augustine; whether their roots are Mennonite or Quaker or Wienbrenarian. Everyone, including the Church of God Restoration, is free to think whatever they want to, and there are many wonderful sincere Christians that differ in viewpoints on a lot of issues. I have very strong opinions, but that doesn't mean my opinions are any more valid than anyone else's when it comes to Christian doctrine. There are many quaint church groups who have certain traditional dress standards and doctrinal beliefs. There is nothing wrong with those things in themselves. Where the problem that we are dealing with begins is that the Church of God Restoration says that their way is the only way to God and to Heaven. That their ministers are the only true ministry on the Earth today and that they are the only voice of God. That their teachings are the only true interpretation of the scriptures. That they are the only true and faithful church. And that if anyone desires to be saved it must be through them. So if what they say is true, why are they behaving just like any other of the estimated 3000-5000 destructive, totalistic cults in the USA and Canada? How can they possibly be following and using the very same thought reform processes used by the North Korean dictator, Kim Jong-il? Why do they allow the ministers to secretly sin wicked sins and not publicly repent, but will unsave a lowly member for drinking caffeine or for not obeying their ever-changing edicts? Jesus rebuked the Pharisees, and called them Vipers and Hypocrites. I believe the same rebukes belong to the Church of God Restoration, both ministry and those who wholeheartedly follow in their footsteps. Our desire is to help uncover for the world to see, just what is hidden behind their deceptive holiness cover-up. Secondly, we want to warn anyone who is remotely considering looking into, or joining this group to beware. ASK Questions. Do not just willingly submit and believe the first story or explanation you hear. Ask the same questions at every campmeeting, ask them of different members. Find some ex-members and ask them the same questions. We can give you contact names of ex-members in your part of the country to talk to. Do not lose your critical thinking thought process. Do not give up your ability to think for yourself. And most of all, do not take your family into this group unless you are willing to give over your parental rights and controls to the leaders of this coercive cult. And lastly, our reason for doing this is to help those who have already left this destructive group and are still struggling. We have learned a lot the past aprox. 7 years ( Our family left October 14, 1999) We have had some great successes and some sad failures, but everything we have learned has helped us in the healing process. It has been quite a journey, and at times it was terrifying. If we can spare anyone the grief we experienced by sharing what we have learned, part of our goal will have been accomplished.... |