Hilbun Thing 2 The Hilbun Thing 2

Reported by Jeff Redington

Here at the Restoration Exposed we have been busy answering questions from many different Church groups, exmembers, and even members of the The Church of God Restoration. Many have had questions for years, and have not understood what they were dealing with. We have been able to give them some new perspective on this group which has proven itself to be a Cult.

We got a phone call one day, and on the other end, is one of David Hilbuns victims. And we will be releasing the full story on this when we are able.

For the time being we have some details to report.

Under the watchful eye of the Church of God Ministry, and with their oversight and permission, yes having received their approval, the following things have been done by David Hilbun, a minister of the CoGR in previous years.

These alleged crimes, again, have never been reported to the proper officials for prosecution. Again the Church of God Ministry thinks they are possibly above the law, when it comes to handling misconduct among their group. I wonder if there was a murder, if they would report that, or would they cover it up and hide it to.

The other article about Hilbun, is about Child Molestation, which we know of at least 3 girls who allegedly fell victim to this, among the group.

This report is about Child Abuse, alleged to have been committed by David Hilbun, under to "watchful" eye of the ministry of the Church of God Restoration, and with their permission.

This is so horrible, and I can hardly bear to think what this girl must have gone through, furthermore, if girls like this, do not believe in religion or God anymore, it is not their fault, and their blood will be on the ones who have allowed this type of predator and beast, to go free among this Church of God Restoration group.

We have been accused of posting and publishing lies on our site, when we have proof that something is not correct, we make a correction.

Believe me when I tell you we will not have to pull this off our site, for this is from the actual victim, who was abused by Hilbun herself.

Here are some of the statements we took over the phone:

"...Hilbun would beat me, and beat me, till I would pass out...."

"...this went on from when I was 10 years old, until I was 15... for five years... over and over and over and over again..."

"...once when they were scared I would die, they stopped beating me... but once they figured out that I was not going to die.... they continued beating me some more.... again till I completely blacked out..."

"... they told my mom that it was the policy of the Church of God and that it was for my own good, that it was the only way to get me to submit..."

"...Hilbun beat me at the Church school in his office... I am sure all the children could hear my screams... I passed out one time in front of all the other students..."

"...Hilbun beat my brother till my brother pulled a shotgun on him and told him he was not going to beat him anymore, he was gonna kill Hilbun, and the Police was called..."

"...he also did this to others, like my brother, who he also beat until he blacked out..."

"...when my mom finally discovered how bad this all was, they never let her know really what was happening, we left the group..."

"...he would take me in his office, and try to rape and molest me, but I would fight him off with all I had, and when I wouldn't submit, then he would proceed to beat me again till I passed out..."

"...it was not just his office where he did these things to me, it was wherever, his daughter Cynthia's room, Hilbuns room, or his office... it was so many times I could not say it was just his office..."

"...I don't believe much in religion anymore..."

"...the visiting ministers... , knew they were beating me... and said to go ahead with the punishment... it was nessesary... they did not stop it... "

"... I have witnesses who saw this, and can tell what happened..."

"... I told Danny Layne that I knew he had taken some boy's to the gay bar where he used to live, one of them had told me so, and Danny just said, ...they will never believe your word over mine... I am a minister and all you are is a little girl..." (Note: This is the second person who has told us this...)

This is by far one of the most horrible stories I have heard in my life, and I can scarce take it in what this girl must have gone through.

Top this off by the Ministry of the Church of God Restoration hiding this and other child molestation events from its members. And still allowing this man to attend their meetings, and go among their people. The man is a beast and a Child sexual rapist, who all folks in the Restoration need to be aware of. Some of these girls could fight no longer, and were molested, raped by a married man, who was a minister.

This Church of God Ministry cannot tell me much, where was their all seeing eyes when it came to the children in their group. This man was a minister among them, and right up there with the best. For years.

Most Churches today do background checks on all their members. To protect their children from such predators. The Church of God Restoration thinks they know better. And this will happen among them again.

What totally is unbelievable this week, is they have been writing me, to get some things about this beast, child molester, predator, rapist, attempted rapist, child abuser, removed and corrected in the first article by Gloria... which they attested was not true. So I did a correction, but this article is some of the rest of the story.

My question is,

"Why is the Church of God Restoration and its Ministry more concerned about this Child Rapist, and protecting this BEAST of a persons reputation, than the children that have been abused by this predator??? Why are they not going out to find these individuals and begging them to not blame God, but blame them, begging them to not hold these things against Christ, but against them, for allowing this to happen."

When I say, that the Church of God Restoration and its ministry has a lot of repenting to do, these are not empty words. They need to admit that the whole experiment, of "Church of Godism" in all its supposed "purity" has failed. They have failed as a ministry. They need to go back to every abused child, every molested and raped child, every divorced couple, every member who was convinced to leave their former group, in a bad way, and every Church group they have called evil, and repent, ...and beg all these people to not hold any of the mess they have created, against God, and ask all to blame them, for the destruction and pain they have caused, and beg that all the above will forgive them, and please to never hold any of this against God, Christ, or the Holy Ghost. Take the blame for the horrible group they have created and the MONSTERS they have released on the children.

This is one Monster, Beast, Child Rapist, we know of, how many more are over there? They don't know, and if they do, they will not tell you.

What was your life like when you were 10 to 15 years of age, were you beat till you passed out repeatedly? By a Church of God Minister filled with the Holy Ghost and Fire, sweeping through the Nation?

They used to get all exited about this song, "The Church of God is moving on..."

That is exactly what you need to look into:

Why is there no longer a Church of God Congregation in Chilliwack?
Why is there no longer a Church of God Congregation in Nooksack?
Why is there no longer a Church of God Congregation in Wisconsin?
Why is there no longer a Church of God Congregation in Louisiana?

If the Church of God in your area is moving on, dig around and find out why? Maybe the head minister in that congregation has committed some really bad stuff, and the only way to get clear of the mess, is to just move on over to another city, where no one knows who they are.

The Church of God Restoration is still interested in hiding this monster, and they call him Brother. They are working overtime to protect his reputation.

We are not concerned about hiding and protecting the identity of a known Child Molestor, and in fact am making this known for the protection of those in the group, and those who may be going to visit the group.

Demand that the Church of God Restoration begin performing and getting FBI background checks on all its members, for the protection of the children in the group, as well as your own children, or grandchildren that are in this group.

It is a documented fact that Child Predators will reoffend 100% of the time, they have not ever in the US seen a case where an individual with this problem has recovered, and not reoffended when given the situation where they can.

The fact that this Church has covered this up, hidden what happened, and are trying their way of doing things, is making it 100% likely that this man will reoffend as soon as this ministry over there gets a little lax. He will and another girls life will be messed up, and possibly many girls or boys.

We have heard that his wife is now a "Deconess", and this puts him in a good place to be among the people, and not all will be told what this man did. He will find an opportunity, and reoffend.

Your daughters and sons are not safe among the Church of God Restoration, and they do not have safegaurds in place to protect your children or grandchildren from Child Molestors and Predators. They do not do background checks on their members, teachers, school teachers, or ministry.

In fact, if a background check was ran on many of their ministry, it may be found that many of them are ex-convicted criminals or child predators. Is that who you want teaching or overseeing your children? Is that the kind of "leaders" this group is looking for, and feel comfortable around?

If you were abused by this man, or anyone in the Restoration:

Contact us at:

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