Gullibles Travels Gullible's Travels
- by Jeff Redington

I got this idea after the book, "Gulliver's Travels".

Gullible, meaning easily duped or cheated.

The title of this article, pretty well covers it. Elizabeth and I were taken by the Church of God Restoration. We have mentioned in other articles some of the reasons this can happen. But for us we were just to trusting, and really wanted to believe it. In general we have not been known as skeptics.

So it does not matter to much what you teach or preach. There are a certain part of the population who will fall for it. UFO's, strange and weird music, fades, odd remedies, and a whole lot more. People are sometimes a little to open, to something new and fun.

This is the problem. There are people out there who are waiting for you to walk in to their store. For you to pass them on the street corner. They are looking for someone to take advantage of. Many times we call them crooks, or maybe swindlers. They are looking to dupe you, to cheat you.

How do you feel when you have bought a product and you get it home and find that it does not work. That salesperson lied to me. This does not work. Or perhaps you are told if you take this product, you will loose 15 pounds in one week, and at the end of the week you have gained 10.

So with us, we were told that the Church of God Restoration was the true and only Church of God, with all the signs following. Well we should have been more careful. When someone comes along telling you they have got a product that will solve all your problems, beware, because it may be, " good to be true."

So we took the trip down to the Church of God Restoration, and boy did we get took.

Kind of like going down to the used car lot. The salesman, sales you a car, and tells you it is the best he ever had. You buy the car and drive away. Runs great for a few days, going to town and back. Finally you decide to make a trip and you take this car. Then you get out of town, in a city where you do not know anyone, and boom, it breaks down. The transmission is out. Then where is this salesman. No where to be found.

When taken by a salesman you feel like screaming, "How could I have been so stupid".

So after many years, you learn to check products out, before you buy, possibly with a purchase of a car, you go have your mechanic look at it. On a larger purchase like a house, you have a home inspection and a land survey.

So with a Church, you need to ask lots of questions. Don't be stupid when it comes to joining a group or church. It could cost you your life in the case of a cult. Many have taken their life, or others lives, in these cults. So when we call this group a "Mind Control Cult" we mean just that.

One of our reader pointed out that the Editor and Ministers over at the CoG Restoration think they are being persecuted. But they fail to see that when you are accused of something that is true, "...that is not false accusations", it is true accusations. It is not persecution. For those things that are true, the Bible tells us to leave our gift at the alter, and go and make it right with the one we have offended.

This ministry is offending people nearly every time they preach, they yell at you, and then yell some more. They are teaching false doctrines as truth. They are walking about the earth with so much pride about being Holy, that they disqualify themselves as being such.

We went, and like going to a poorly performed show, we wish we had not spent the money.

So we were Gullible, but we are not so gullible now.

Don't be naive, and trusting, when something appears radically different than what you know, you may be on the verge of being tricked, or worse deceived.

The Church of God Restoration Ministry are very sly, they will preach harsh things, then when you corner them about what they preached, they will say, "...that is not what we meant", and leave you looking like a fool for asking.

It does not really matter what you think, you are really not important to the group, unless you make them look good, then you are.

Another thing that will happen, is you will go there, and it may take years to learn everything they believe, and it may possibly take years of them saying, "...forgive us", and so forth, till you finally wake up and realize they are wrong. But some day you will, and what you do then, I would consider critical.

Don't give in to them just to please them, one family we know did. They "got saved", all over again and so forth, just to please the ministry. Please don't do this, you are making a lie in your life, that will be hard for God to look past.

All in all don't be stupid, dumb, trusting, gullible, when it comes to any group of people, especially ones that claim to be the only way, like the CoGR.