To the Evil all things are Evil.

- Jeff Redington

Unto the pure all things are pure: but unto them that are defiled and unbelieving is nothing pure; but even their mind and conscience is defiled.

Titus 1:15

I want to look at the life of a true Christian. Then I want to examine the life of the Evil. I personally believe that the Church of God Restoration is Evil. That the group and its doctrine as a whole produces evil effects and is destructive to families. Divorce, separation, lack of love, members of the family are so busy in the group they have no time for relationships. Wives no longer trusting their husbands and looking to the local pastor as her counsel, and worse yet, these ministers will allow this to be the norm. Can you imagine a pastor who is the sole counsel for all the women in the congregation, and their husbands left out of the conversations. Does this sound a little strange to you. It does me. Marriages being broken up. Looking at the net results of what it does to families... it is definitely evil. What ever happened to, "...what God hath joined together, let no man put asunder."

This ministry performs marriages. And on the other hand will break them up. Can this be of God? How can they with their doctrine against divorce... be found to encourage it?

"Unto the pure all things are pure...", there is possibly nothing that the pure at heart could really do to remove that purity from their heart. They look at life differently than others. In other words, I look at this as being a statement of the very life of a Christian. God has planted that seed in our hearts and it will produce purity in our lives. It is there by no doing of ours and it will come out. If this is not what is being demonstrated in the ministry or group you are in. Then they may possibly be something entirely different than the true children of God. They may be the children of the devil himself.

The Christian is pure. The Christian does not need to do any work to get this, it is the gift of God. God gave that to you and don't let any man take it away through vain teachings which they cannot even explain. Sanctification as taught by this group is a false doctrine. They cannot explain it, and use it to manipulate you. Not even the best among them can explain what it means. It is because they are not filled with the Holy Spirit, but a contrary spirit. The Holy Spirit is the very essence of God given to us through the work of salvation. As new born babes in Christ we go forth to love, have faith, and grow in the grace of our Lord and Saviour.

Christian: What does this mean to you? Does it mean people acting and living like Christ? Or do you think it is something else?

Christian: It could be said that: they see no evil, they hear no evil, they think no evil, they speak no evil, they look at every thing in life as the will of God. They are someone you would want to be around. They actually are a pleasure to be with. They are not condemning your every action. They show you the way by the very lives they live. This does not mean however that these are perfect people.

They are just not seeing evil in everything. Their basic nature is to trust, believe, have faith, and to love. They believe in others, they put others ahead of themselves. They recognize even the lowest one. They do not give only to those who can return the favor. They give to those whoever they come in contact with. They give and they give. They will give you the shirt off their backs. They will go the extra mile for you. They will be there for you. They will show you favor and love in spite of who you are.

A Christian group will do and be all this and more. In fact a true Christian organization that is operating on these very principles as named above will be very powerful in its effect on the world and all its surroundings to the Glory of God.

Here is where the problem is. We have a group of people who profess to be the very Children of God. Christians. But have no roots to back it. They have a cause, but no fruit. They are in fact the opposite of what God's people would be like. Because they do not actually have the goods. I do not say that all of them are in this state but the group as a whole does not have the spirit that God would give them. They have something else operating other than the spirit of God. "God is Love", and this is truth. So when we look at this group should not we see the greatest demonstration of Love we have ever seen? But that is not what we see.

They have never really received a love for the truth. And here we are not talking about their pet doctrines. The truth about how they treat you. How they operate. How they go about their religious control of your life. They have received a love for praise, for power, and for control. How do I know this? Because that is exactly what they do, and from what I have heard they are getting no better.

They have received a religious spirit. One that is not of God. One that requires their ministry to "YELL... YELL... YELL..." when preaching. Why do they yell? Yelling is not gentle. Yelling for your information is not one of the fruits of the spirit.

I remember sitting there looking up at the preachers of the Church of God Restoration and seeing their faces all contorted, and them yelling as if they were mad or angry. Yelling and yelling at us. And a few times I could not take it anymore and walked home. A couple of times I remember thinking that they looked like the devil himself.

Some men when they get drunk get mad and begin yelling at you for hours. Drunk and Mad. These people are drunk on another spirit and it is not the spirit of the Lord or the Holy Spirit.

You know why I thought that they looked like the devil. It is because that is what they looked like up there yelling. They looked evil. This is the truth about these people.

If something looks evil it most likely is.


To the evil all things are evil. They see evil in every thing. That is the reason that the Church of God Restoration has so many rules about every thing in your life. They are processing on a whole different wave length than you.

They see evil, they think evil, they hear evil, they operate from evil hearts that know no purity. That is why their ministry and its counsel causes destruction every where it goes. That is why so many families among them are broken up. That is why God does not answer their prayers. They have to hold this whole thing up by some other power.

All they see is evil in you. Especially if you have questions. Don't ask too many questions or you will be labeled evil. You are some spirit of something. You may not be doing anything wrong... and in order to keep you under their control they will say, "... their is something wrong in your spirit!"

I tell you now that there is something wrong in their spirit.

They are evil and that is why so much evil comes from this group. They are evil way down there in the depths of their hearts, and this is what you will see. Cross one of them. Argue with them. Tell them they are wrong. Try to uncover the lies they are covering up. Tell them that the job they just did for you is not right and you want them to do it again. Tell this ministry they are wrong. Tell this ministry that they are not your bosses. They are not your Lord. Are they not supposed to be your servants. See what kind of reception you get then.

They act like your bosses. They are no friend of yours. They will be your friend so long as you go along with their plans. But you cross them and you will find out just how evil they can be and how much trouble they can make in your life. They will go around like detectives and police and by the laws of there group will attempt to find something that you are not doing. And when they do. They will use that to completely claim you are the evil one, when in reality they are evil.

To the evil all things are evil.

To the Church of God Restoration all things are evil. They have rules in the hundreds. So did the Pharisees. Did it help them to find Christ. No. It only blinded them from seeing our Lord.

According to the CoGR your physical non-group family is evil. Your job is evil if you have to work anytime when they decide to have meetings. You must be there. They will attempt to get you to quit your job. "Its Evil."

Lace Curtains are "EVIL". I mean really EVIL. SILK is Evil. Other colors beside black are evil... yet Gods word teaches us that black is directly related to Evil. Light is what we are supposed to be. Yet they go around like a bunch of gangsters. They look more like gangsters in their black suits than Christians.

It would be a sad day when Joseph showed up in his "coat of many colors". Joseph was pure and he didn't mind wearing colors. His brothers were evil. They looked on his coat of many colors as evil.

The Church of God Restoration has distorted the world we live in by their doctrines so bad that it is time to call their bluff. They do not have a clue what living to the Glory of God is.

Let all be done to the Glory of God. But they are so evil that all they see in this world is evil. And they call everything evil. The simple pleasures of life, they call evil. The simple pleasures of marriage they call evil. The very enjoyment of Mom's and Dad's and their families they destroy, if not by counsel, by keeping the family so busy with the group and meetings and trips to meetings that the family is no family at all any more. Every living breath of every member is spent to hold up the group.

Is the family you have important? Or is the group the most important thing? Is the group and its ways so important that you will ignore your family and its needs?

This group will use up all your time till you have no family time. You have no time for your family. You spend your vacations driving all across the nation just to be yelled at by evil minded ministers who will only see evil in you.

No this is no Christian organization. No pure minded ministry. They have one purpose and that is to uphold the group, even at the expense of your family and mine. Even at the expense of marriages. Even at the expense of some of its member's lives.

Ever wonder how these people can preach so mean? Can yell so much? Can look and be so ugly in their spirits? Can be so horrible? Can break up good marriages? Can be so destructive in peoples lives? Can let you go and never call you again? Can totally act like you fell of the edge of the planet?

It is because they are evil? The true pure Christian will love you now. Will help you now. And guess what. If you see him 10 years later will still love you. In fact when you truly meet a Christian brother in the faith, he is your brother, and no man or hell could separate you from him. You have the same father. They don't love you because their father is the devil himself.

You know why this ministry of the Church of God Restoration can dismiss you so easily. They are simply evil. They are not your brothers. They can write you off in a heart beat.

Christian love is not even a 1000 miles from how they operate. They see evil in every direction. And I say it is because they are truly evil.

They have become the very things they preach against. And in order to keep their people captive have swept it under the carpet.

"We have lost the love of God", but cannot admit it.

- The Ministry of the CoGR.

Dig around and you will find this group is not nice by any means. In fact they are evil.

Come out from among them and be ye separate... come out from among the ones who see evil in every thing.

Join the ranks of the pure... question evil. "Hate that which is evil..."

There has been talk that as Christians we need to be careful. We need to forgive.

The scripture says concerning evil. To hate it. We must hate this Church of God Restoration and its ministry till they repent. When they repent we will forgive. But not till they repent of all the evil they have committed in the name of Christ. They are an abomination to the name of God. They are no example of the love of God.

God does not offer pre-forgiveness... then we don't have to repent and turn to him. God offers forgiveness to all. All we have to do is ask.

We offer forgiveness to all this Church of God Restoration Ministry.

All they have to do ask.

Do you honestly think they are going to ask you to forgive them? If they do, it will only be in an attempt to get you to come back, to fool you. Or to cover up something else they are doing.

They need to repent of their evil ministry.

The scripture says to let the least among you be the judge. In other words this is not so hard or complicated. Don't need a doctor of theology here. They are evil.

Either you are good, or you are evil.

To the evil indeed all things are evil. Because they call nearly all things evil... I conclude they are evil.