"No problem adding things on."
- Jeff Redington

Revelations 22:18 & 19

18 For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book:

19 And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.

Here we have a solemn warning. Don't add. Don't take away. This is in reference to the prophecy written in the book of Revelations. I am not sure that we can apply this to all the scripture. It is definately a source of a principle that could be applied.

What this means is do not make this story any bigger, don't make it any less.

It could be like going to the car show. You are not allowed to touch the cars. You are only allowed to look and enjoy the masterpieces.

It could even be taken a little farther. Suppose you are a part of a large car club, and in this club you can purchase vehicles which others have built. You go out and buy a show car, but the one requirement of buying a car through this club is that you do not change it. You can drive it, you can maintain it, you can use it, you are the cars owner, so long as you do not alter it. You are not allowed to change the bumper from chrome to a painted bumper. You are not allowed to pull the engine and change it to a larger one, you must keep it stock (original).

Your agreement would be that if you changed the vehicle in any way, you will be fined and the car will be taken away from you and given back to the club. As well you will have your name removed from the club's list. You are no longer a member. You are on the outside.

Maybe you decide one day you don't like the car the way it was given to you. You thought you knew better than the master who built it, the club who made it possible for you to own it. You had to change it, and so you lost it all.

That is a car. Maybe it is worth 60 or 70 thousand dollars. How much is one child of God worth?

Now let's look at the Church of God Restoration. They have absolutely no problem adding to the scripture. They can do this in a heart beat. In fact they have so many additions it could "boggle" your mind if you saw the whole list. When you go to one of their meetings and see them all dressed exactly the same. Doesn't this tell you something? They have rules. They have lots of rules. So many that it will be a BIG list by the time you figure them all out.

A side note here: You will find that there are different levels of the application of these rules. One for pastors and ministers, and one for the general congregation. The ministers and their little pet groups can set around and talk about you and there will be no consequences. But let one of the general congregation talk among themselves about one of this pet group, or one of the ministers and believe me all the power of this ministry will come down on you. They use the word of God like a hammer. There is the insiders group and the outsiders. Sounds like a schism to me.

There are so many ways to go here. So lets start somewhere.

So did not God, Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior the King of Kings, and the very Holy Spirit do a good enough job when they gave us the Holy Scriptures? According to the CoGR they didn't. They have to add, and add, and add some more. In fact the Holy Spirit cannot work among them. The reason why is, before the Holy Ghost can even get a word in edge wise, they will have told you what to do. In fact with this elite ministry and the "Great power of God" that they think they are, you will not even need to pray about anything. They already have your whole life planned out between here and heaven, before you even join the group.

Here is a vision of what God saw the Holy Spirit would do for us:

And they shall teach no more every man his neighbour, and every man his brother, saying, Know the LORD: for they shall all know me, from the least of them unto the greatest of them, saith the LORD: for I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sin no more.
Jeremiah 31:33-35

The Church of God Restoration cannot trust the Lord to show you anything. They will not allow this. Because you may get something different than they teach. The highest teaching among them is not the word of God. It is their doctrine and their supposed move of God on the earth, their supposed "Restoration".

If you read your Holy Bible and then you listen to them, you will notice that to fit their doctrines into the Scriptures it is much like trying to get a round ball to fit in a sqaure hole. There are 100's of scriptures that just do not make sense, they do not match their way of doing things. You will notice they do not allow for any variation from their doctrinal stance on any line. You do not even need a commentary among them. They have all the answers already. If you read a comentary you will only be confused. Why? Is it because what this group teaches is not found in general Christianity?

The CoGR teaches what I call extra-biblical teachings. Teachings not found in the Bible. This very fact makes them non-Christian at the start. They need to stop building right away. Their very foundation is already way off. They have added.

You may say, what have they added? Here are a couple of instances. No wedding rings. Yet the Bible mentions rings all the way through, they are not condemned at all. Wedding rings are not even mentioned in the scripture. Yet they will condemn anyone who wishes to keep wearing theirs. Seems like an addition. They claim they are the Angel in revelations blowing the Seventh Trumpet, and that their Ministry is the Angel Ministry. Believe me they are no Angels at all. Would not you think me a little crazy, if I came up to you on the street and said I was "Paul"? Then why when this group comes up and says they are the Angel in Revelations do we not look at these people like they are crazy. Why do not we call the authorities and let them know there are some people down here who have gone off the deep end.

Here are only two examples of their willingness to add to the scripture. And worse, they have taken the book of Revelation and are changing it to meet their own doctrinal teaching and using this to scare people into submission to them. After all don't you go and question this Angel ministry. I even heard a message when I attended a California meeting where they were scaring us with the idea that if we went into a counseling meeting with a pastor or one of this ministry and they told us to do something, and we did not obey, that as soon as we went out the door we were dead "spiritually"... just like Ananias and Sapphira. That they have the power to shut up heaven.

I guess we all should be shaking in our boots, they may be calling fire down from heaven the next thing you know.

The fact is this, they are not what they think they are. They are false teachers. They are false prophets. Do not be scared of them. They are tinkling cymbols. Good for nothing but to be tossed aside.

This ministry claims so much power and authority. They think they know so much. But they have completely taken a masterpiece and turned it into a piece of junk, all rusty, the old engine will not even start no more, they have to push it down the road themselves. The tires are all blown, the rims are ready to fall off, the bumpers are no longer shiny, the exhaust is falling off, the paint is all tarnished and moldy. They are all blind and cannot see this. They have gotten themselves in a ditch with all their members. And God wants nothing to do with them.

Their old rusty movement is like an old car flying down the road at 100 miles an hour. It is going to crash, and the drivers are crazy men.

So this Church of God Restoration Ministry is heading down the spiritual road at 100 miles an hour, and boy aren't they going fast? Right past all the warning signs, right past all the stop signs, right past all the scriptures that tell them to not add, right past all the scriptures that tell them to love. Right past all the scriptures that warn them to not be high minded, right past all the scriptures that tell them that God hates a proud look. Right past all the warnings which tell us to be kind. It is not kind when you excommunicate someone from their family. When all they are doing is trying to point out your error.

That's right folks, when you try to correct this ministry they are not humbled by their mistakes, their lack of love, their lack of mercy, no... they will turn all hell loose on you, and they will be the ones being hellish. Can good and evil come from the same tree, Jesus said, "NO".

How then can this ministry be good and so smiling when they get their own way, then as mean as the devil himself when you cross them? When you just have legitimate questions that you want answered, because you are actually an honest saint. By all means do not be an honest saint, with honest questions. They will tell you that you have something, "wrong in your spirit." It is because they cannot reckognize your spirit, because you have the Holy Ghost, and they have another spirit. A ugly spirit that is full of some of the most hurtful and awful hate that you have ever seen.

I do not know how to tell it all. But this ministry is so awful, that it can only be fueled from below and by the very fires of hell. It is so.

You may say, "Jeff are not you being a little overboard here"? I say no. When they will allow you to lay there and die and not call the hospital, when they know that God does not anwser their prayers, but in order to uphold their false religion will let you die.

They will be cavalier with your marriage, they don't care about the 20 years you have been together. They will break you up unless you both independently submit to their ministry. And accept their counseling you both separately. Submitting to their counseling separately is the first step to divorce with this group.

"Oh, look honey, look at all those beautiful families." Look a little deeper. Talk to some ex-members. Find out what the real truth is. Not their doctrines. But the real truth about how they treat you.

These people and especially this ministry will have no use for any experience you have. You must be completely reprogrammed by them. Then you can appear to have success among them. But you just show some signs of wavering, and that will be the beginning of the end for you.

They are like a ship on the Ocean, and when you go on board you see that everyone there is in perfect health, no sickness, and you stay there for a long time and still no sickness, everything is perfect all the time. Once in a while you hear a splash in the middle of the night. You sit up in bed and you hear all kinds of talking in the back room. But the next day all you hear from the captain and the crew is that there was some kind of mutiny and they had to make someone "walk the plank", and in some cases they just threw them over the side. The shocking thing is that just the day before the crew was praising this family or group of persons. Then all the sudden they had to go.

This goes on for years. Stopping at new ports, and not going back to other ports anymore, picking up new people along the way, and all the while when these new people come on board they cannot believe how well all the people are. How impressed they are. The ship never seems to be empty or full. About the same amount of people.

So you have in the Church of God Restoration, all the while there are many leaving, and many coming. The reason they look so nice, is that if anyone gets out of hand according to them, they throw you, your children, your spouse, over board. After all the goal here is to have the perfect church. And the way to have that, is to keep all the sick ones out. If you need any kind of help at all you will not find it in the Church of God Restoration Ministry, they are not there to help you. They are there to add to the scriptures, and uphold a false movement. They are there to make you obey, and they will hammer you with the scripture.

Does this scare you? Do you see a thread of something wrong with this group? You should not get on this 100 mile an hour church, because it is heading head long into eternity on the wrong track.

If a group has even one extra-biblical teaching you need to be cautious, because in time they may add more. Once you add one, there is no end to the amount you can continue to add. Till you are found to be worse than the Pharisee's of old who I heard once had over 250 extra rules above the old testiment teachings.

The Church of God Restoration is heading for 250... I have not compiled them yet, but we will someday start counting. I would not be surprised if they go beyond 250 extra-biblical teachings above and beyond what the New Testament teaches.