Why not just leave the Restoration?

By Forum Member Picker

This is written in conjunction with the article written by Jeff on the subject.
If this group was, and is so bad, why did you stay in there for so long?

It is difficult to leave the R because every rule and regulation that they have concerning the outside world is developed to make leaving difficult. When you initially make the decision to join the R, their instructions for you are to distance yourself from your former life. Cut off all prior religious connections – covertly if possible. Cut off family connections – in fact, move to a congregation far away, even if one happens to be close by. Cut all financial obligations - just walk away. Disappear from your former life – don’t even keep regular contact with your family (unless they are with the R) – just “pray for them from a distance”. This cutting will give the R the results they desire – you will have your prior friends and family angry at you, you will be financially destitute, and TOTALLY DEPENDANT on the R.

Members there will be tripping over each other to provide your husband with a job (basic labor), provide you with housing, and whatever basics your family needs to get by. At first, they will overlook certain things – your dress, your eating habits, your reading material, the disciplining of your children, etc. They will indoctrinate you with their teachings, and expect you to be “led” to make changes within a reasonable period of time to acclimate to the body. If, after that time has passed and you have not acclimated, the pressure will be brought down on you to do so. By then, they will be the only friends you have. They will be your financial lifeblood, and your children will be thoroughly sewn into the fabric of the R. If you think they will work on you – you are not that important. They will concentrate on your children.

The beliefs of the R have SOCIALISM strewn throughout them. They are a society unto themselves – they preach “All her strings (streams) are in her”. They are not only talking about spiritually, but physically, mentally, socially – everything. This is most apparent when it comes to their children and young people. It reminds me of Hillary Clinton’s “It takes a village” to raise a child. If you join the R, your children are no longer your children – they are the church’s children. The church will school them, take them to camp meeting, discipline them, and counsel them without you having any input. If you try to prevent this, you will be on your way out – not necessarily with your children. They will call social services on YOU, and present evidence that you are not a fit parent, and try to have legal guardianship of your children transferred to a compliant saint. Try leaving with that hanging over your head. Most parents will remain compliant if only in the interest of keeping their family together.

Most “little ones” in the R will never hear of the problems that exist there. They wander about in blissful ignorance. These are the best off. They are undoubtedly saved, and will be fairly happy with their existence. It is the ones – those who have curious minds – those who like to know why such-and-such is taught – who will face the wrath of the ministry. Most will never leave, or admit their reservations. It is a sort of going-down-with-the-ship mentality. Their children are there, their spouse is there, their friends are there, their job is there – the price of following their heart is too great. They could not deal with the rejection of the R, or with the embarrassment of admitting to their former church and friends that they were wrong.

This is my reply to why people don’t just leave. This is not a normal church. They get you in, cut you off from everything else, take away your family, and then dare you to go if you don’t like it. But you know what? YOU CAN LEAVE. If you do, though, you had better do it in the same way as when you came – find an outside source of help, and leave in the middle of the night. Cut off contact with them and “pray for them from a distance”.