- Jeff Redingtonn

It starts out small, maybe just ignoring someone who really needs our advice, then in time dis-counting them as not important. It also may happen when a person would give favors to the rich and those who may help. Yet the poor you dismiss. I don't know for sure how a person would go from being sincere concerning his faith, then on to be Lords over God's heritage.

We are the Lord's, we do not belong to any man. We belong to Christ who purchased us, not any group. Yet here is the problem. The ministry of this Church of God Restoration is way over on the dark side of this matter.

They are Lord's and God's over their subjects. But worse. They are Lord's over God's children. They do not protect them. They are only ultimately concerned about control. They do not want God to show you anything. In fact if you get anything from the Lord God, it must first go through them, or be approved by them if it didn't. In other words, God cannot speak to you directly.

Yet we see in the Bible that God walked with Adam in the garden. That he spoke to Abram. That he has spoken to his people directly all down through the ages. He has given in these last days his very own spirit (the Holy Spirit) right inside us to speak directly to us his very essence and truth.

The minute you begin to listen to the very spirit of God, is the very minute that the things this ministry teaches begins to not make sense.

How can a group of ministers get so far off from the very Bible they profess to love. 1. They are not listening to its words. Only the pet scriptures they like. 2. There are scriptures they never look into. Or preach from.

With ministers like this it starts out small. Just one little thing... and then another. Soon you are in so deep that it would be a miracle for these leaders to ever step down and admit that they were wrong. That they had been wrong for years.

It is for sure that the group is not a work of God. Then it is even easier to see that it is the work of man. And that the motives there, are not for the Glory of God, but the seeking of praise.

I said in the Chilliwack / Nooksack meeting once before we left.

"It seems that some people, are living the way they live to appear Holy. So that when they walk into the meetings or onto the campground that people will be in awe of them." You could easily see this by the way they walked and acted. Very Proud. Kind of like a Peacock. Except their clothes are not like Joseph's coat of many colors. No they are very plain and colorless. They assume that all this plainness is "Holiness". Herein they prove that they do not have the first clue what Holiness is or does... or where it comes from. Further they do not even know what it is to be used for. Also they have no idea how to teach it. Of course they don't. They do not know what Holiness is.

Here is a clue. It is sister to humility. It is used as a guide to relationships between us and others. It is not what this group thinks it is.

So if they have got this wrong. Then you should question everything they teach. Some would be scared of this statement. But why?

Why should we not question everything? If what they profess is truth then it will stand up to all the questions you throw at it. In fact they should welcome them. The truth is they will answer questions for those who they perceive they can deceive. Those who are coming towards them. To be with them. Yet you start to get cold on them and not like what they are teaching. Then they will drop you so fast. They will not have much to do with you then.

Bear in mind that they will only teach you what goes along with their doctrine and belief that they are the only ones. They will not do any comparitive studies into exactly what do other groups really teach. They do not know and for sure do not want you to know.

Speaking of this whole problem and their way of displaying "Their" Holiness in their walk and so forth... I further went on to say that if D.S. Warner could have seen these people and the way they display themselves... he himself would have turned over in his grave. They all try to dress like him... and maybe them... of the 1880's... yet if you go to any museum you will find that the way they dressed was the way most people dressed. They were not so different than the general public at the time. Yet these people under the doctrine of Holiness do assume that the dress of the 1880's is somehow holiness indeed. "I heard one man say among them... it is all in the dress."

"No it's not!"

In fact God could care less. When I realized this, it was not hard to change. You see the Pharisees thought all this before us. Other groups you might have heard of, Like the Catholic Church's Priest and Nun's, have the corner on this market. In other words if dress makes you Holy... then the Catholic Priest and the Nun's would possibly be the Most Holy.

You see how ridiculous this gets. It is not the dress.

According to them, and if you take them serious, the Bible should read; " I the Lord... try the dress... to see that you do not have any lace, proper buttons, dark in color... " No that is not what the Bible says. It tells us that God try's the hearts.

God looks beyond it all and see's the very motives of the heart. The very lust for control. The very lust for power. The very desire to be the head of it all. To not let anything out of our control.

Holiness and purity is something that keeps you at peace with your own self and also with others. It is a process in our lives that must be cultivated.

It is not something that is visible as an outward show. They try to put Holiness on as a garment, and wear it, yet all the while they talk behind people backs. The ministry will sit around and talk lightly of those who they consider pest. You should ask them if they talk about you that way when you are not around. They do.

They do not know what Holiness is. They cannot explain the Holy Ghost in any way that anyone could understand it. They have no clue what the Holy Ghost is. They do not understand what purity is.

Here is a clue. The Holy Spirit is the very essence of God put into our hearts, a seed, thus as we yield to its influence we are holy. This is a heart matter and nothing to do with the exterior. It is something that grows like the mustard seed. It is not instantly gotten by some work which we perform. Like paying the perfect price. "Paying the perfect price is a false and deceptive doctrine." It is the free gift of God and every new born Christian has it by the truck loads, all he or she has to do is let it grow.

Here is a comparison for this conversation and what I have observed. Take it as you will. I have seen women at the beach who behave in a modest fashion. They are not flirting or anything. Descent people at the beach, even though they may be in a bathing suit. This group would totally protest.

The comparison here is that I saw a young women among the CoGR who was a total flirt with the young men, and even adult men... and with the batting of her eyes, flirting and so forth... could get any of the young men to do almost anything she needed. Mow the lawn, fix the car. and so forth. Fix her house where she stayed.

Now who was modest. The one dressed to the top with all that clothing. Or the decent lady at the beach who maybe had way less clothing.

I said all that to say this. All that dressing up they do over in the CoGR does not do them a ounce of good. They still commit sin left and right.

Their dress makes them so proud of themselves. That they loose all humility. They actually think they are "Godly" or something. But I say not. God is not partial like them.

They got this dress thing wrong. What else have they got wrong?

Everything. Remember that they are not better than you. In fact they have so much sin in their lives that they do not hold a candle to most Christians.

They call sin mistakes. Thus redefining what the Bible calls sin. This is how they teach a sinless doctrine. If they did not class sin's in two different categories they could not hold up their sinless Christian doctrine. They actually teach that "Christians" do not sin.

Sorry! But not even they have done this. Let alone the rest of you who have not even thought of such a doctrine. They sin as much as anyone I have ever seen. They are just good at hiding it when they do. After all they have to hold up that false doctrine called the "sinless Christian".

Here is what the Bible says sin is... if "any man knows to do right and does not do it" to him it is sin. If you are upset and you ignore someone you just sinned. It was not right. If you get short with someone, thats not right. You sinned. You need to ask for forgiveness. This could go on and on. The point here is that the Church of God Restorations definition of sin, and the Holy Bibles definition is different. If different then I know who is right.

If the Bible is different than what they teach... then why? Are you going to follow them? Believe them? Or are you going to believe your Bible? They must think they have some special corner on God, that they can teach extra-biblical doctrines. I tell you they can throw a lot of scripture out there. But me... all I need is one. And I can topple their whole religion. They have changed the scriptures to fit their doctrine. Not their doctrine to fit the scriptures. Do you see the difference?

Their doctrine does not allow them to be Christian, or to be humble.

When we do sin this gives us opportunity to seek forgiveness and to be humble. To admit we are human. There is no shame in that. Then all the blessing of being Christian takes effect.

These people on the contrary because of their doctrine cannot admit when they sin. And thus cover up a multitude of sin in their lives. Many have years of unconfessed sin that needs unloaded. And the list is growing everyday. They do not understand and cannot teach what sin is. The scripture teaches us to confess our "sins" one unto the other...

I know the answer to the sin question. The Bible simply tells us. It is when you do not do right. God made it that way. So we will always be human. And he always God.

Don't think for one minute that these people are deep thinkers... the only deep thinking they do is to see how they can keep all those people under their control.

Mr. Layne once said "Get in or Get out!"

I say get out... and you will find a whole world of forgiveness. Because then you can start confessing all those sins that you had to cover up for all those years. You will actually get the help you are seeking. Stop worshiping the idea of the ideal group and escape.

They are so warped. You will need a clear mind to decipher their mystical gospel.

When you create extra-biblical teachings you are adding to the Scriptures, and that is the place you will be categorized in. You are in the long line of false teachers.

You have definitely passed from the light to the dark side.

Digging for the real truth.
- The End -