There is now a report out that the Church of God Restoration is growing. That they have actually found people who are willing to leave their brains at the door and do whatever the ministry says. They have actually submitted to letting the Ministry take over every aspect of their lives.

One surprising developement is that the men are willing to allow the ministry to be their wives only counsel. That is for sure a man leaving his brain behind. It seems to me that men should go get their brains back and make sure they do not ever allow their wives to be counseled without them being present.

It is further reported that this group is claiming that all the children of these families belong to the Church. Now if that is not letting your brains go at the door, what is. All the parents of this group should rush out and get their brains back right away. Where in the Holy Bible does it say that parents are not to be parents.

In spite of what this group teaches, the first institution that God established is the Family. Adam and Eve. The second was the Nation of Isreal. Then way on down the line he set up his Church.

I say it is irresponsible for Parents to let any group get ahold of their children and do with them as they please. But it seems this is the result of leaving the brains behind which they require of all members.

Warning --- Don't leave your brains at home when approaching this group. That is exactly what they want. They do not want critical thinkers.

See if you can stay in this group for very long... or be accepted... if you start asking questions. If you start digging into things that are hidden in order to uncover the TRUTH.

This group is big on that they are the only ones who have the "Truth". But believe me... they don't want you to know the truth... only their doctrines and rules.

This group is big on a doctrine from way back... called "Man rule..." and they used to preach against it... but not any more. They are 100% for man rule.

Before we left the group they were teaching that you could no longer get saved at home by your bed... that you had to come to their alter (prayer bench up front) and get saved. In other words you have to go through the ministry to get to God.

They highly question any individual who claimed to have found God in any other way. They expressed that if anyone would truly come to God it would have to be through the ministry of the Church of God Restoration.

In other words if anyone in the world wanted to get saved... they would have to come through them. They are the direct route to God. They are God's Angel Ministry on the earth. They are the only way. They teach this. And as I write this now my mind is going crazy... can you believe that anyone would say such a thing? Can you believe that people are buying into this type of doctrine? They are not thinking?

It is a mathmatical impossibility that this could be... if even 10% of mankind today decided it needed to cry out to God... the 30 or so preachers of this movement could not in their lifetime process all of them. Futhermore we have in excess of 6 billion people on the planet... and they are maybe 1000 people... but lets give them the benefit of a doubt... and make them 3000 people.

.0000005 percent of the population is claiming they are the only way to God.

6,000,000,000 (Billion) People must come through less than a piece of dust as far as population... to get to God.

It would be an outright miracle if anyone found this group if they were searching.

But wait... the numbers are worse than that... all three thousand members would have to be ministers... which they for sure would never allow. The present ministers want the power.

I tell you these are indeed Blind leaders leading the blind. They are so amazingly stuck on themselves as being some Holy Saint Holy Angel Ministry that they cannot even see how vain they are.

Ask questions... ask them how can people find them. Tell them the need to publish their paper wider and farther so the masses can find God. Tell them they need to be talking this to everyone they meet lest the whole of humanity goes to Hell.

This it the problem... God is speaking to men and saving them. And God can do this to all mankind at once. He does not need us. He for sure does not need this group.

If you are asking questions... then you have a brain. I strongly advise to keep it up. You may get your brain fully back.

It is a 100% truth that in this group you are only allowed to have your brains when you go to work. You may have it for the 8 hours you're at work. But when you come home and especially when you go to the meetings you are not allowed to bring it.

Do Not in any circumstances start thinking... unless you want to get in big trouble. The only ones who are allowed to think are the ministry. And believe it or not... they are not allowed to think for themselves. They must check in with the head. (Not Christ - the devil forbid)... I mean the Head of the Church Danny Layne in this group.

So yes it appears the group is growing. This again means that they have found some more people who are searching for more. And they will get more. They will obtain more control in their lives than they ever thought possible. They will become mindless robots... clones of the Church of God Restoration and this will happen before they know it.

These are smart people who have yeilded their lives, thoughts, and ways to a group... a cult. They actually in most cases do not realize what they have done. Because of their dis-satisfaction with recent churches, groups, or family. They went out and fell from the frying pan into the fire.

This group is not capable of helping anyone. They are not the solution to your problems. They are not the healer of mankind. They cannot help you become a better person.

They can help you to become a robot. A mindless walking, talking, CoGR Robot.

One of the ways out of a mind control cult is to start thinking for yourself, and to start asking lots of questions... till they excommunicate you.

- Jeff Redington
Feb. 5, 2007